February 12, 2023
Upload DNA

Like GEDmatch? Other great sites to analyze your DNA like a pro!

If you have used GEDmatch, try these sites like GEDmatch with professional tools for your genealogy research.
Tomohiro Takano

GEDmatch is an awesome and free online tool that you can use to explore your genetic heritage. Using a raw DNA data file from any of the major DNA testing companies, you can use professional-level DNA tools to analyze your genealogy. If you are new to GEDmatch, check out our article on how to use GEDmatch.

If you have already checked out GEDmatch and want more tools to analyze a DNA test, check out these other sites.

Free Genetic Genealogy Sites

DNAgedcom - $0

Where GEDmatch analyzes and matches your raw DNA data to other users on its platform, DNAgedcom.com can be used to analyze a GEDCOM file. A GEDCOM file, or a Genealogical Data Communication file, is produced by most software used to make a family tree. Companies like Ancestry.com and MyHeritage allow you to download this file, which documents your family history.

Using DNAgedcom, you can use this file to link to other family trees and find similar branches in other people’s family trees. This is a great tool for exploring your genealogy in depth! You can use it to find family members, see how your family weaves into the web of human history, and find other genetic information related to your DNA test results. For a $5 per month subscription, you can get access to their powerful desktop software. You can learn the basics of the site in our article on using DNAgedcom.

Tools By David Pike - $0

David Pike, a mathematics researcher at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, is an avid genealogist. Knowing that genetic analysis is just applied mathematics, Pike created several programs used to analyze his own DNA sample for more genealogical information. Using Pike’s website for genetic analysis, users can upload their own raw DNA data files from FamilyTreeDNA, 23andMe, or AncestryDNA to use Pike’s tools. 

The tools can give you the ability to compare two autosomal DNA samples, figure out which of your parents gave you certain genetic variants, and find other information about your genome which may help your genealogy search. Like GEDmatch.com, the site has a learning curve. But, you may find extra information about your raw data file that almost no other organization provides. 

GENOtation - $0

If you don’t enjoy the do-it-yourself aspect of GEDmatch, GENOtation may be a great choice for you. After uploading your raw DNA data to GENOtation, the software will provide you information on aspects of your ancestry, ethnicity estimates, health reports, and other traits encoded in your DNA. The program was developed by researchers at Stanford University, and it can link you directly to publications about different genetic variants you carry. You can easily get started on the GENOtation homepage!


Like GENOtation, DNA.LAND will give you a free analysis of your raw DNA data simply for uploading your sample. DNA.LAND sells your anonymous genetic data to researchers, and it provides you with biogeographical analysis, trait reports, and a feature to find living relatives. This free report is how they pay you for your genetic information. Started by researchers at Columbia University, the site now operates independently as a for-profit company selling large DNA datasets. You can get started by registering on the DNA.LAND homepage!

Other Sites to Use Your Raw DNA File With

Didn’t find what you were looking for here? Check out these other sites to use your raw data with. Many of them are free, and you can get ancestry, health, and general wellness information from your test results! The ancestry section also offers a number of sites that will let you search for DNA matches using their analysis tools, so you can find distant relatives and possibly closer relationships. Check them out below!

1. Genomelink (traits) --  FREE

2. Promethease (genetic health risk)

3. Family Tree DNA (ancestry) 

4. MyHeritage DNA (ancestry) — FREE

5. LivingDNA (ancestry) — FREE

6. Genopalate (nutrition)

7. Vitagene (nutrition)

8. DNA Fit (fitness)

Already a GEDmatch Pro? Try These Sites Next.

Using GEDmatch to analyze your DNA isn’t for everyone. While the platform offers features and tools that simply can’t be found anywhere else, many users report that GEDmatch’s steep learning curve and user-unfriendly website have prevented them from taking full advantage of GEDmatch’s database. However, if you weren’t daunted by the site’s more scientific approach to DNA analysis, or its website that is less about looks and more about function, you might be ready to explore other in-depth research options. You might be ready to take your genealogy hobby to the next level - and there are plenty of companies waiting to help you do just that!

To get started with these sites, you’ll need to upload your raw DNA data into their systems, just like you did with GEDmatch. After that, you’ll have access to various reports, insights, and tools that will let you discover new facets of your family history, genetic traits, and even your genetic health risks. But keep in mind, DNA sites like GEDmatch tend to require a more skilled approach to conducting genetic research. 

If you like GEDmatch, you might like these sites, too:

  • DNAgedcom - Build your family tree by linking to other trees and similar branches
  • Tools by David Pike - DNA research programs developed by a mathematics researcher in Canada
  • GENOtation - Developed by researchers at Stanford University, it links to publications about different genetic variants you carry
  • DNA.LAND - Includes a feature for finding living relatives

All of these sites look and function differently. If you enjoy tackling new software, taking deep-dives into the science of genealogy, or just want to learn as much as you can about your ancestry and genetic makeup, you’ll likely enjoy using these sites like GEDmatch. The best part of all these sites? They are FREE to use. 

But, if steep learning curves aren’t really your thing, there are many other companies operating in the genealogy and family research market that offer a more streamlined experience. For those who want to learn the maximum amount about their genetics with the minimum amount of work, the following sites will offer you just that:

  • Genomelink - Get started with 25 traits for FREE
  • Family Tree DNA - One of the best family tree building sites on the market
  • MyHeritage DNA - This site also offers DNA testing kits
  • Genopalate - Use your DNA to get personalized health and nutrition information
  • And More!

The world of DNA analysis, family research, and genetic testing has been booming over the last couple of decades, and will only continue to grow. This means there are sites, tools, and companies that serve a wide range of needs and interests. Whether you’re looking to use your raw DNA data to build out a comprehensive family tree, get personalized health and nutrition information, or take a deep scientific dive into the world of genetic research, you can now find multiple avenues for starting - or continuing - your search. 

Get started expanding the story of you today for FREE when you sign up with Genomelink. Our unique reports and trait analysis will give you new insights into your unique genetic makeup.

To find out more DNA upload sites, check out our article "The Best DNA Upload Sites"

Tomohiro Takano
Tomohiro Takano
Co-Founder and CEO