Who am I? Free Personality Test with Your DNA Data - The Big Five and More!
Personality quiz: Are you a fan of personality tests like Myers-Briggs type? Also, did you do a DNA test like 23andMe, AncestryDNA, or MyHeritage? If yes, you should check your personality type with your DNA data!
My name is Tomo. I’m the co-founder of Genomelink, a web platform where you can upload your raw DNA data to access more genetic traits such as Food & Nutrition, Fitness, Intelligence, and Physical Traits. And one of my favorites, of course, Personality Traits!
For centuries, scientists have been researching the relationship between genes and behavioral characteristics such as personality or cognitive ability. Recent research has shown that genetics plays a role in our personality. Of course, it is a complex science and a combination of environmental factors also influence and make up our personality type, but it is very interesting because recent science has revealed the mysterious relationship between our personality and genetics.
Are you still doubtful? Let's check my personality test results from DNA data!
With Genomelink, you can check 25+ personality traits with your DNA data. After you download your raw DNA data file from the genetic test company, it only takes 1 minute to upload to Genomelink. Some core personality traits are free to try! So, please check them out now!
And here you go... My Personality DNA Test Results!

OK, Let’s See… My “Genetic Personality” Results
● Low level of agreeableness (unfortunately for my team…)

Verdict: True
I’m strong-willed with a firm sense of independence. Ever since I was a child, I’ve preferred to take the path less trodden — I go against the crowd and rarely follow popular opinion. (It makes sense that I started my own company.)
● Low level of neuroticism (= very optimistic)

Verdict: True
My upbringing, education, and experience have conditioned me to tackle problems after evaluating all the risks, but I feel there’s always an optimistic part of me that thinks “everything’s going to be just fine.”
● Low level of anger (yes)

Verdict: True
I rarely get angry or enraged and I sometimes even struggle to show the emotion of “anger” even when it’s needed.
● High level of harm avoidance (as an entrepreneur, I like this)

Verdict: True
I don’t want to get hurt (does anybody?). But, some would say life is all about taking risks! Unfortunately, I’ve always been one to avoid trying something I don’t think I’d be good at or succeed with. I guess a more positive interpretation of this would be that I have good risk management skills. I’m keenly aware of this trait in day-to-day life when I am forced to engage in high-risk decision making for my own business.
● High gambling tendency (really?)

Verdict: Maybe true…
I don’t engage in gambling for fun, but I can’t deny that I’m taking a huge gamble by starting a business…
● Experience more eudaimonic well-being (= I am happy)

Verdict: True
I couldn’t agree with this more. This is kind of my philosophy. I think I’m good at being happy wherever I am and whatever I’m doing. I try to find joy and meaning in my life in simple ways and with small achievements in daily work.
● Experience loneliness more (I need your love)

Verdict: Very, very true
I know I am less agreeable. But the team at Genomelink and my friends, please remember that I feel more loneliness. I need your love.
Thoughts on genetic personality…
The friends and colleagues I’ve shown the results to all say that these genetic personality traits are spot on. I myself am surprised by how accurate the results are!
Genomics research that uses bioinformatics to interpret a person’s personality is still in the developmental stages. On the other hand, long-running sociological research in twins has already demonstrated strong evidence of the genetic influence on personality.
Benefits of Taking an Ancestry Test Online Quiz
Sure, an online DNA test free quiz is a fun (and free) addition to your DNA research, but taking one can also provide some important benefits. Thousands of people pay for personality testing every year. Sometimes these tests are required by employers, but many others do it to gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses.
Career Insights
The information you get from an online DNA test free quiz can help guide your academic and professional career. A test could provide insights into your passions, study habits, work environment preferences, and more.
To get the most from a free personality quiz, complete your ancestry test online quiz and then research the most popular jobs among others who share your personality type.
Better Understanding of Yourself
Have you ever wondered why you react to hardships in certain ways or thrive in some environments better than others? An online DNA test free quiz can help you find out. Understanding yourself more thoroughly can help you better manage your emotions. It can also help you focus your energy on the things you are truly passionate about.
Of course, a personality test isn’t therapy; it won’t help you resolve deep emotional issues, but it may give you the extra insight you need to increase your confidence and develop compassion toward others.
Learn Better Coping Mechanisms
Understanding your personality traits better with the help of an online DNA test free quiz can lead to a deeper understanding of how you do or don’t cope with stress.
Stress is one of the biggest health risks you will ever face. You may be one of the lucky people who is genetically predisposed to handle stress effectively, but if you are not, you can help protect your health by understanding your stress-related behaviors better.
Improve Relationships
Almost everyone has either said or been told, “It’s not you; it’s me.” What if some of the challenges you face in relationships are due to your innate personality traits?
The information gained from an ancestry test online quiz could help you build more satisfying relationships with romantic partners, friends, and work peers. The next time you hit a bump in the road to a happy relationship, stop and ask yourself, “What is my DNA quiz saying about this?”
Maintain Better Physical and Mental Health
You may think it’s a far stretch to say a personality quiz could improve your health, but gaining insight into your mental health — the way you think, feel, and react — affects your physical health too. An online DNA test free quiz may point out underlying problems you have ignored or simply learned to live with over the years.
Don’t miss out on the additional benefits of an ancestry test online quiz. To make the quiz even more meaningful, upload your raw DNA data to Genomelink to check out over 25 personality traits. Some of them are even free, and that’s good no matter what the results of your ancestry online quiz say.
Try it out for yourself!
For those of you with DNA data from 23andMe, Ancestry, or MyHeritage:
You can check out your own genetic personality tendencies on your DNA Dashboard after uploading your DNA data to Genomelink. Give it a go!
>> Check My DNA Personality Profile <<
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