October 21, 2022
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Analyze Your DNA Results Further: Understanding Your Family Tree

Learning where you come from can give you a new appreciation for your life. Get in touch with relatives, no matter how distant, and experience a fuller life.
Tomohiro Takano

DNA testing is one of the biggest topics of social conversation. From a free ancestry search to a full detailed analysis of each chromosome from Genomelink, there is a ton of information available. 

Your DNA test results offer a way to get highly detailed information about where and who you come from. They are also a great way to build your family tree. Those with a more mysterious past or suspect there is a missing relative out there can discover a lot about their family tree from their DNA. With a simple cheek swab, you can be well on your way to a better understanding of your family tree DNA. 

So how do you get from cheek swab to family tree? You first need to decide what type of testing will be most effective for you. 

Types of DNA Testing

Several companies provide DNA testing. Sites like AncestryDNA, 23andMe, and MyHeritage use your DNA test results and compare them to other results in their database. This provides an estimate of your ethnic background and helps to connect you to your family tree. There are three main types of tests.

Y-DNA Test

To complete a Y-DNA test, you must have a Y chromosome. The Y DNA test will give males information about their paternal family line. While this test can provide you with some great information, it’s only available to half the population. The test only gives males information about half of their DNA. 

Mitochondrial DNA Test 

A mitochondrial DNA test is similar to a Y-DNA test in that it only gives ancestral information about half of your DNA. Mitochondrial DNA testing provides information about your mother, your mother’s mother, etc. While either gender can take the test, it won’t offer any information about your father's side of your DNA.  

Autosomal DNA Test

The Autosomal DNA test will analyze most of your DNA from each parent. WebMD explains, “Autosomal DNA tests are a way of looking at the code that exists inside of all of your cells.” The information from this type of test is effective in helping to find relatives and ancestors. 

Using Your Test Results

Once you have completed your test and are ready to use your results, it’s time to start building your family tree. Your results will show your DNA matches and help you identify how the person is related to you. This can vary from a parent to a sibling to a 4th cousin. 

Oftentimes if you find a match, connecting your family tree to another can help both parties get a better understanding of their larger family tree. 

If you are looking for a specific relative or want to know if you are related to someone, start by looking for any relative of theirs you know. You can even use social media to help you connect. If the relative is no longer living, you can ask one of their living descendants to take a test and compare that way. 

Finding all of the “branches” of your family tree is important. Family Tree DNA is telling of a lot more than who you are related to. 

Family Tree DNA 

If you think your family tree isn’t important, you are wrong. 

Learning where you come from can give you a new appreciation for your life. You can get in touch with relatives, no matter how distant, and experience a more full life. 

Whether you like it or not, you are intertwined with those in your family tree. Even if you have no desire to engage with anyone in your family, your family tree DNA is still important. Your DNA can help you to better understand your genome and have a clear picture of any diseases you 

are at risk for. 

Genomelink offers an Organ wellness report. By uploading your raw DNA from AncestryDNA, 23andMe, or MyHeritage you can receive detailed information about your risks for issues such as kidney stones, chronic fatigue, gut inflammation, etc. It also provides a “what can you do” recommendation to help you make a plan to combat these potential issues. 

The science-backed information from Genomelink comes straight from the experts. With access to over 10,000 genetic studies, you are getting the most recent and relevant information. Genomelink is also backed by the pioneers in genetic science including Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Y Combinator. 

Next Steps 

Even if you have no interest in a free ancestry search or getting to know your relatives, your family tree is important. Understanding your DNA test results on a deeper level can help you to avoid serious diseases and health issues. Some people may love researching the past while others have no desire to get involved. However, the future is important to us all. Using Genomelink to better understand your health based on your DNA can make all the difference. 

Insight into your past through Ancient Ancestry and Organ Health are just the start of the great things offered by Genomelink. There are over 307 traits available to look over, analyze, and compare to your DNA. Genomelink offers a Nutrition report, personalized fitness advice, skin care advice, and more. 

Genomelink helps you access the information you really want. For example, are you curious about ancestors from 5,000 years ago? With the Ancient Ancestry report your DNA can tell you all about your Ancient Admixture. While a free ancestry search can be useful, it’s no match for the services and information available from Genomelink. 

The past may be painful for some people. But don’t let the past keep you from helping yourself in the future. Genomelink has revolutionized the way we use our DNA. You can find those from the past but you can also help yourself in the future. Understanding potential health risks and how your body works out most effectively can change your life. 

Your future self will thank you for taking the reins in your life. Check out Genomelink to see all of the amazing things you can do with your DNA test results.

Tomohiro Takano
Tomohiro Takano
Co-Founder and CEO