December 13, 2022
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How Long Does a DNA Test Take?

One of the most popular trends to take over the world is learning about our DNA. DNA testing can be beneficial in many ways—but how long do they take?
Tomohiro Takano

How Long Does a DNA Test Take?

One of the most popular trends to take over the world is learning about our DNA. Many companies have been created in order to meet the demands of the public and their backgrounds including:


· 23 and Me

· My Heritage

· And more

Not only are the results fascinating, but they can help facilitate a better lifestyle by learning specific health in your bloodline. DNA testing can be beneficial in many ways—but how long do they take?

What is DNA?

DNA is short for Deoxyribonucleic acid and is a chemical comprised of two long molecule structures. Both molecules form a spiral shape ladder.

DNA exists in the nucleus—the center—of each cell. The cells contain important genetic information, which is the main area assessed in DNA testing.

How Do DNA Tests Work?

DNA testing is a simple, painless test that you can do at your very own home. Each person possesses 46 chromosomes—23 from your mother and 23 from your father. Each person has virtually the same DNA except for the 0.1% genetic material that makes each individual unique to their counterparts.

Once your DNA is collected, the science begins. Scientists examine the DNA and look for genetic markers—the 0.1% genetic material that makes you different from everyone else on the planet. These genetic markers are then compared and matched to other genetic markers to establish degrees of relation amongst other people’s DNA.

How is DNA Collected?

DNA can be collected in a variety of ways. The most common collections are taken from:

· Blood

· Saliva

· Skin

· Hair

· Semen

· Amniotic fluid

Virtually anything that has your specific cells can be analyzed for your specific DNA genetic markers.

Different Types of DNA Testing

There are multiple forms of DNA testing available. They include:

Maternity and paternity

Establishes who the mother and father of the child are.

Family tree

Sites such as reveal your specific family tree based on your genetic markers from your DNA test.

Criminal legal cases

DNA evidence obtained from DNA testing is used to obtain information on victims and suspects in legal cases.

Hereditary disease

Your genetic markers will reveal any predisposition to hereditary diseases that you may have.


Your genetic markers will reveal your ancestors, who they were, and where they originated from in addition to connecting you to living relatives.

How Long Does it Take?

The process of testing DNA typically does not take more than a week. Everything can be dependent upon your specific DNA genetic marker structure—therefore, it may take longer than 10 days or more.

The results can be analyzed and sent back to you by the next day. The rate of your DNA test results returning back to you can be dependent upon the mail carrier and how busy the facility is at that time.

Bottom Line

DNA testing is a great way to learn about yourself. You can prevent health matters in the future by learning your health predispositions today.

Learning where you came from, your ancestors, and who your relatives are can be exhilarating. DNA tests connect you to the past, the present, and the future by your very own genetic “fingerprint” shared amongst others.

Tomohiro Takano
Tomohiro Takano
Co-Founder and CEO